🪃 Install ruby on Mac OS with M2

How to install ruby on Mac OS Sonoma with the M2 chip?

Recently, I was working on a project where I require to use an old version of ruby, it was ruby 2.7.4 . I try to install this version using rvm and rbenv without success.

After some research I finally found a tool that works for my and the ruby version I was trying to install, this tool is called asdf .

How to install asdf

There are different ways to get asdf listed in the official page, but I did it using git.

Open your terminal and run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0

Then, to install it there is again a lot of different ways, but I decided to add it as a plugin to my previous installed program oh-my-zsh (that I highly recommend to use in mac).

Just add it to to the plugins definition in the ~/.zshrc . In my case I was already using the git plugin so it looks as follows, separated by an space:

plugins=(git asdf)

You can check the official instructions here.

Close and open a new terminal or run source ~/.zshrc to update your configuration and you should be able to use asdf now.

Ruby with asdf

First, add ruby as a plugin and then install the required version

$ asdf plugin add ruby
$ asdf install ruby 2.7.4
$ asdf global ruby 2.7.4

# Update to the latest Rubygems version
$ gem update --system

Confirm that you have ruby installed:

$ which ruby
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [arm64-darwin23]

Install rails

asdf exec gem install rails

You can also install NodeJS using asdf but for now I’ll continue using nvm.